Windowview Holiday 2022 Update – Hanukkah and Christmas

While the ‘window’ illustrates a number of different perspectives that all point to one truth, the bottom line is rather simple. First, the ultimate good news and greatest holiday gift is good news. This relates to life now and the fact that you can make a decision that leads to a life eternal. Yes, for some folks, Jewish and Gentile folks all together, it may seem a hard concept to grasp. On the other hand, the doorway to an eternal life really is easier to open than many want to admit.

Here is the simple link to the Good News (recently a new page added to the window view!)

You can look at the biblical area (Harmony) and explore the scientific data in the Science Area, or you can think about human history over time (Timeline) or changes that are happening now and consequences yet to come … but all this provides evidence for something that brings us back to the One who gave us our life in the first place. You are not alive by chance. The universe is fine tuned, our biological information is so complex, molecular machines exist in us and the integration of biblical information across numerous books all is a testimony to being here is not just a product of material existence.

Receive the good news or not … the real holiday gift is an opportunity to figure out why you are here, the purpose, and the doorway to heaven.

Happy Holidays!



The Prophet Identifies Messiah

Every year Israel celebrates Passover. Each year during the Pesach seder there is a moment when the matzah is broken and the Cup of Redemption is lifted to drink wine. This breaking of bread and drinking of the cup was a new adjustment to the Pesach tradition and seems to correspond with who the Jewish Messiah is. So, who is that?

Of whom does the prophet Isaiah speak?

To read about the prophet Isaiah’s exact words that align closely with the true identity of the Jewish Messiah, we recommend a visit to See the web page and read the WANTED poster and get the REWARD!

In a world of increasing chaos and confusion, peace is to be found in Messiah–for Jew and Gentile alike, this one identity rises in importance above all else.

