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The Window's Event Horizon

One most simple but important reasons for WindowView is to see what is coming in the future. The term ‘event horizon’ helps to illustrate how to appreciate what that future will be. Events from the past, ongoing right now, and yet to come soon, all add perspectives that draw multiple convergent lines to the horizon that in turn aligns with what the Scriptures say about the future.

Perhaps one helpful and simple statement is: Bible prophecy reveals a series of events that lead to the end of the current era of time—and then what comes next. Prophecy describes certain types of events. But add to that perspectives where scientific information ( Science Area ), change factors in global societies and in the Earth’s environment ( Change Area ), and a look at history ( Timeline Area ) all contribute to understanding why it is that the biblical outline of events is real, serious, and consistent with what we all see on Earth today.

While there are many opinions, religions, ideologies, and diverse philosophical approaches in the world today, only one source written in Hebrew and Greek points to a specific set of chronological events that have been and are now playing out in time. The Harmony Area relates to the Jewish and Gentile sphere of biblical understanding—especially identifying who is the Messiah and why that is important to you. But even more simply put, human behaviors today all point to trouble that is to occur before this age comes to a close. Study the Scriptures in as objective a manner possible, what is simply there, and you will see more clearly the event horizon that is out there ahead of all humanity.

The perspectives leading to the event horizon are defined by:

-- Scientific findings concerning life and our existence (Science)

-- Global trends validated by scientific and social data (Change)

-- Biblical information (Hebrew and Greek Scripture; Harmony)

-- Current events from at least two main perspectives (Timeline)

Throughout the WindowView site there are links to "Step Up To Life." If you take a look at stepping up, you'll be asked to reflect on self, situations today, and to make a decision ... that opens to a new relationship. And that relation is what you will move you to and past the approaching event horizon—and then on into the future beyond. More details about the Convergence appear on the Thesis page.

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Books to Explore, etc.

For a general listing of books, visit the WindowView Book Page for: Science and Scripture .
Step Up To Life

Time spent looking ... through a window on life and choice ... brings the opportunity to see in a new light. The offer for you to Step Up To Life is presented on many of the web pages at WindowView. Without further explanation we offer you the steps here ... knowing that depending on what you have seen or may yet explore in the window ... these steps will be the most important of your life ...
Step Up To Life