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In the WindowView

Science and Scripture in Harmony

WindowView Thesis

The Thesis: Documented evidence from multiple perspectives reveals the future in a holistic context. Once you discern (i.e., see, understand) truth at the core of each perspective you are provided a promise and a choice. You decide, yet the decision is made easier by truths that appear without interpretations, bias, or assumptions. The choice you make has eternal benefits or consequences. The WindowView is here to help but only you can make personal decisions.

The WindowView was originally presented as a "soft apologetic," but events in the world today give cause to be more up front, direct, and to the point as to what we are all really seeing.

One perspective is scientific evidence that today takes away from the material and naturalistic explanations for life's origins. Life on Earth is based on highly specified and complex information--complexity that reflects design and thus a designer. Detractors will say high intelligence elsewhere within the universe may be the explanation, but this is mere distraction from another key perspective elsewhere in the WindowView.

Another perspective then is writings that when examined in a most objective sense reveal a highly specified integration of information that tells us about the past, the role of a specific people group within humanity, themes that define behaviors past, refinements as to how we are to treat one another today—that is all of humanity as a whole—and the complexity of the writing reveals a timeline sequence of events you are actually seeing arise in front of this window today. That timeline sequence also reveals the future.

A specific understanding of our human origin, of the origin of the universe, and the biblical writings that across the entire Hebrew and Greek texts tells us something that in fact reveal a synergy with science and Scripture.

Added Perspective comes with change. The WindowView also looks at change and there is a realization that the debates and conflicts over topics like climate, social, political, infrastructure, resource and so many other topics that undergoing change are in fact not a distraction but are topics that feed into the science plus Scripture view.

One way to picture a broadening of the window perspectives comes with a model using four informational areas (four databases) that if viewed apart from bias, misleading interpretations and false conclusions brings us to the realization that the biblical timeline really does tell us of what lies ahead for all of humanity.

On the Horizon is the intersection of all perspectives at key points in time leading to what is referred to here as an Event Horizon. Once you understand how all perspectives lead to that horizon you will be able to make a personal decision for yourself regarding your future.

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Language Translation

WindowView Main Menus:

What is the Truth for Human Life on Earth

The WindowView is a soft apologetic, that is, the information here is a 'gentle' defense of faith and reason based on science and Scripture. Ease into the window's vantage points on change, science, and the harmony and all unique perspectives will merge.

To those who have never read the Bible, there is news and information with specificity for today.

To those who have not looked closely at what scientific information really shows, there is an awakening yet to be discovered in the awesome complexity and the known evidence for origins to life on earth.

We blindside ourselves by assumptions and opinions others keep pushing ... but what if you look closer at the information for what it reveals?

What will you see when you follow where the evidence leads us?

How? Simply scan the main menu above and visit the various sections of the window.

We ALL are Headed to a Major Event Horizon

The evidence comes from multiple perspectives and this Window Is a View to that horizon! Follow the evidence where it leads and discern truths that you have missed and others have distracted you from ... away from the ultimate retaliation ... life is unique, complex, reflecting a design and specificity that says: "You are not here by chance!" And yet time grows short, so come now to the real truth of why you have life and are alive today ... and what you need to discover about time and time eternal.

In An Era of Rapid Change:

The earth is wearing thin and humans have lost sight of stewardship for truth, civility, planet, life, and the God given reason for our existence.

Saber rattling continues while the hoards struggle, are persecuted, people beheaded by extremists, tyrants starve their nations, and conflicts threaten at all corners of the planet.

What good will become of ISIS, North Korea and Iran's nuclear bombs, nations continually living on debt, and humanity's indifference to humanity, nature, and future generations. Really, that is where we find ourselves today!

Do you wonder about such things?

Are you not concerned?

Might there be a rational conclusion about life today and why we are seeing a planet coming unglued?

Humanity is now at maximum burn rate for non-renewable resources, oil flows like water, water turns to drought, climate shifts and storms intensify, nations turn every field to production without conserving soil and water for the next generation, and we are all at increasing risk of disease, war, and famine.

We, many of us, still live like there is always a tomorrow.

Changes accelerating around the globe spur melting of polar and terrestrial ice masses, accelerating rising sea levels, and soon encroach on us to illustrate how a shrinking planet will push all humanity to new realities concerning survival and dependence on the stewardship we have totally lost sight of in the first place.

The Window is a Thinking Place for Discerning Truth ... Think ... Explore .... and Discover Life, Relationship, and the Future!

What and Why:

We commonly hear ...

• skeptics and atheists say there is no God

• naturalists say evolution explains all

• creationists say science is not to be trusted

But what happens when various, multiple, informational perspectives are considered together?

What happens when assumptions are removed?

What is most truthful about our existence and future?

Several window perspectives, combined objectively, reveal scientific and biblical information exposes our future.

Look and consider:

What do the data really tell us?

Where does the evidence lead?

What evidence converges to form the bigger picture?

The window invites you to take a look for yourself!

The 'WindowView' presents an opportunity to consider several key scenarios in areas identified as Change, Science, and Harmony. An added area provides a timeline because human events leading to the future travel along Time.

All areas of the window contribute to a Convergence and the merging of scenarios—and thus provides a summary.

A word of caution: Set aside preconceived notions. Any personal bias may initially tempt a quick exit. However, appreciating the entire window and surprises within only comes with looking at more than one perspective. Determining what is true in this life is something only you can satisfy for yourself. Start by a look at life's origins and change in your world today to see forces guiding us to the future.


Scientific evidence for global changes today leads to a merging of changes with a chronology of events described in Scripture. Look at Change


The terms evolution and creation are often considered polar opposites. Scientific data however bring us to recent assessments that require deeper reflection in this window. Consider the evidence


The world is closing in on the Middle East. Understanding the future includes the people, the land, and biblical information that concerns this corner of the globe. Explore a unique perspective that too few understand well.


A merging of data, news, themes, and what impacts our lives all comes to a point of convergence. This is the focal point that defines humanity's future. Beyond our corporate fate, there is throughout the WindowView an opportunity to accept a promise concerning our individual and personal future. The entire window concerns our making a step up to life.

Consider … today, humanity has the necessary data to:

- Recognize global changes, including climate, social, economic, and other human-driven issues confound the prospect for a sustainable future on planet Earth—leading to reflection on the value of life and our survival

- Understand that data for life's chemical and biological origin scenarios do not fit standard explanations—with the direct inference: scientific information reveals we are expressly not here by accident or chance

- See a confluence of scientific data and evidence in the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts flow in harmony to look to the future with a promise and a purpose for the reality we share today

- Reflect on the role for a chosen people and how they are at the hub of timeline events leading to the future

- Know that past and current events converge on a previously documented chronology of future events that testify our being is by purpose and design


Life comes with a choice for the future.

A choice is the reason for this WindowView!

The Window is here for you!

Window Perspectives

Explore the window, visit Science, Change, and Harmony Areas, then move along a Timeline where all perspectives Converge to summarize the entire view and our future … the evidence is before us … many sources together point the way.

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