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In the WindowView

Science and Scripture in Harmony

Window Overview

This is a brief orientation with links to each of the main WindowView areas.

A more detailed WindowView thesis page follows with a technical focus on what you will see in the window.

As you explore, keep in mind the following thoughts and questions:

Your lifetime is an opportunity to see and understand truth revealed by science and biblical details which define the future, and ultimately human destiny.

WindowView is a place that challenges you to see the evidence for our origin, purpose, eternal truth and a promise.

Faced with dramatic change ... Ask: Are we living in the last days of human struggles and survival on planet Earth?

Today we have the evidence that frames our natural and material existence in context with design exhibited in nature which in turn points to the existence of a Designer.

Multiple sources, from scientific data to biblical texts, to historical evidence, all help illuminate who the Designer is—even if hard to accept at first, the evidence bears out the fact that all humanity owes its existence to God (not any god, but a specific intelligent Creator who is clearly identified in Scripture).

See, Hear, Discern and Test ... hold fast what is true!

Language Translation

In An Era of Rapid Change:

These are alarming times ... the earth is wearing thin and humans have lost sight of stewardship for truth, civility, planet, life, and the God given reason for our existence.

We use the earth's resources with reckless abandon ... land, oceans, forests, water, fuel, food are precious and dwindle with change. (click on the image here to visit the window on Change)

Nations provoke each other ... saber rattling continues ... Danger is at our door ... what good will become of terrorism, North Korea and Iran's nuclear bombs, hacking away at security, nations continually living on debt, political tensions, humanity's indifference to humanity, a fragile food supply, nature, the environment, and future generations. Are you not concerned?

Might there be a rational conclusion about life today and why we are seeing a planet coming unglued?

We, many of us, still live like there is always a tomorrow.

Changes accelerating around the globe illustrate how a shrinking planet will push all humanity to new realities concerning survival and dependence on the stewardship we have totally lost sight of in the first place.

However, by looking at the world as only a material place, where we exist only as material beings, misses a critical fusion of perspectives.

The WindowView is an apologetic, that is, the information here is a (gentle but specific) defense of faith and reason based on science and Scripture—both together present highly integrated information leading to real and specific conclusion. Ease into the window's vantage points on change, science, and the harmony and all unique perspectives will merge. (click on the image above to visit the window on Harmony)

To those who have never read the Bible, there is news and information with specificity for today.

To those who have not looked closely at what scientific information really shows, there is an awakening yet to be discovered in the awesome complexity and the known evidence for origins to life on earth. (click on the image above to visit the window on Science) Might the reality of who we are and how we came to be ... be as simple as understanding the information held in our genetic code and in structures within our cells ... highly complex information that could not come by chance and molecular machines that make our life possible. All point to design and not randomness or a result of chance. Science has come full circle to tell us of our origin as something special.

Back to Introduction or next to the Thesis

We blindside ourselves by assumptions and opinions others keep pushing ... but what if you look closer at the information for what it reveals?

Will you see where the evidence leads us?

What happens when assumptions are removed?

What is most truthful about our existence and future?

What do the data really tell us?

Where does the evidence lead?

What evidence converges to form the bigger picture?

The window invites you to take a look for yourself!

The 'WindowView' presents an opportunity to consider several key scenarios in areas identified as Change, Science, and Harmony. An added area provides a timeline because human events leading to the future travel along Time.

All areas of the window contribute to a Convergence and the merging of scenarios—and thus provides a summary.


WindowView Main Area Menus:

Window Perspectives

Explore the window, visit Science, Change, and Harmony Areas, then move along a Timeline where all perspectives Converge to summarize the entire view and our future … the evidence is before us … many sources together point the way.

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