When It Looks Like It’s Getting Better …

… It isn’t necessarily so! Really good news is bad news. Why?

New energy reserves are coming globally in the form of natural gas in areas formerly considered out of production, oil from fields labeled the same way, oil sands and oil shale in areas previously thought too costly to process. Never mind any questions about renewable energy technology or use of carbon based fuels on climate change … The world has received a carbon-energy injection releasing us of near future energy reserve depletion. Consider the following news clip:
HEADLINE: U.S. oil boom leaves OPEC sidelined from demand growth – Reuters
Rising U.S. shale oil production will help meet most of the world’s new oil demand in the next five years, even if the global economy picks up steam, leaving little room for OPEC to lift output without risking lower prices, the West’s energy agency said.
WindowView is a ‘thinking place in cyber space.’ So think about this! The energy supply leaves humanity temporarily euphoric and free of concerns that would restrict material economies … But at the same time the source of relief is the problem. A blind eye will be turned to consequences as long as markets are on the rise or stable. But who has the money to pay for the consequences to come? Cash strapped governments? You?

Consider this: Sea level rise already spurred by climate change will only accelerate as carbon dioxide rises further from carbon fuel use. Sea level rise means coastal flooding, over 800 Million persons globally will need to move, dikes, walls and dams will need to be built. If not that, new homes, new towns, new infrastructure, new expenses to tax humanity for a global result of change. Who cares how it happened! Who will pay? Diseases will rise as invading waters complicate coastal life. Local economies and forms of employment will change … the entire shift will unsettle life on planet earth … human and all other.

The theme of the window is “Science and Scripture in Harmony.” If you look objectively through the window, have some understanding of how our material dilemmas lead to a spiritual side to being, then this theme rings true. We invite you to sit at your window, look, think and know the future is still ahead of all of us.

Director, WindowView.org
