To be objective means to look at information, current events, and come to conclusions that avoid false assumptions, bias, or misguided opinions. has a goal of pulling multiple perspectives into view—mainly based on Science and Scripture. 

If you take a look, can you see the direction humanity is headed today? 

Here are a few thoughts on change in the world today—and ask yourself what the future holds.

First, in 2022, a world leader insulted a neighboring nation by invasion, killing citizens, and destroying jobs, homes, schools, and economy. This one person’s decision is padded with lies and a false motive for personal gain and historical reptation. A world leader who lies violates God’s will, as seen by reading the entirety of Proverbs 6 (but especially verses 12 to 19, where lying is specified as one of seven issues the Lord hates!). And these verses tell us what ultimately will become of a leader who lies, deceives, and resists truth, harmony, and humility. And note that the Bible speaks to is there will one day be “wars and rumors of war,” and now we see that is TODAY. One is at war, others are threatening war.

Second, concerning climate change, links to several newer sources have been added to the Window’s Change section. While we recognize climate change denial occurs, typically this is due to political, philosophic, economic, or simply a lack of objectivity. But the data, studies, and ongoing observations all reveal change is real. We also recognize that multiple change factors are going to continually stress humanity and reveal how nations and cultures prevent the possible long-term survival of humanity.  Survival on Earth is in jeopardy! The United Nations is a place to see how un-united humanity really is! Click on the image below and take a look at the reports linked at this WindowView page. And you can click on the image below to read the WindowView Thesis on Change!

Third, regarding change and a biblical view, we have recommended a specific book regarding the timeline and events that lead to the end of this age. Students who read all the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures are able to assemble all the pieces (past events and future events in passages of prophecy). In fact, a man named Daniel wrote a text some five hundred years before the Jewish Messiah arrived. In that text was a timeline date indicating exactly when the Messiah would appear a first time. But beyond that, Daniel describes events yet to come. Then some six hundred years later a man named John wrote another text that surprisingly compliments Daniel’s writings. The two texts are like puzzle pieces that are needed to complete the overall big picture. These two writings illustrate a Harmony that if you take time to look and explore then your eyes and heart will be opened like never before.

And the real question is: “What will you decide about your life and the future?”

Is there more to life than living today?

The short answer is: “Yes (and there is a promise in Scripture that affirms there is more to this life)!”

Explore the Window Harmony and seek the Promise! 

In recent time updates are starting to appear in various places across the WindowView web site. This will continue into the near future because so much new information needs to be added and older out-of-date material needs to be dropped or entirely modified. Incredibly, the original intent of WindowView only gets more and more validated by new developments in the realms of science and scripture.



Book Listings at WindowView

The WindowView touches on many sources to help build the ‘big picture’ that leads to providing you with the most important question … the vital question we all need to consider in our lifetime! Science, theology, paleontology, archaeology, and historical timelines all merge to assemble the multiple perspectives and provide real evidence that makes the window unique and useful!

The website has needed updates for some time now. Updates will start to appear in the coming year. Current pages with book lists have received minor updates and focus on the earlier sources.

Main Book List Link

Apologetics Book List

Take a look, you might find interesting titles. Click on a book cover and visit a bookseller and read reviews. If the price is too much, search the web!

The main book list can (as of 2022) be considered a bit historic because some of the titles are important in understanding the base of information rom which more current writings gain momentum and support. For example, the Science Area of WindowView relies on many of these sources to help build reasonable to solid perspectives. It is not opinion that is the concern, sound information builds the true view!

Apologetics relates more to the theological side and once you see life is by design, not by chance, and there is more to consider than a temporary and material life … there is the big question about life eternal.

WindowView also looks at many other sources that are available to download or referred to in various places, thus he book lists only represent some of many sources used at this web site. Being objective is extremely important. Avoiding unsupported opinion, bias, or by false interpretation is fundamental to forming a solid set of important perspectives. That is the main goal of embracing the fullness of the window (combine these areas … Science, Change, Harmony, Timeline, and Convergence and assemble the big view on what and why life!).



Apostate State of World Being

An overly simplified summary of what the WindowView web site is all about comes down to one initial concept: “Looking at multiple perspectives helps one to see the greater context to what life is.”  Within each perspective—such as those at WindowView, including Change, Science, Harmony, Timeline—one still needs to do some thinking. A keyword for all of us is “discern.” And to discern means to look at the larger field of information to assess what is true as opposed to false, misguided, bias, interpretation, assumption, or anything that is misleading. To discern in a way that is fair, this requires an open mind that is willing to be objective, but also a mind that is willing to go to multiple information sources and to look around. If you sit at your ‘window’ and really look at the lager view, then you will find opportunities to be objective and to seek what is a reliable viewpoint.

The fact that scientific and theistic information can be considered together may offer difficulty for some people. If that is you, then it’s less likely you will open your mind and explore. To look at a world of change, diametrically opposing views from science, theism, business, politics, and to include the oppositional behaviors and forces posed by various nations all over the world—this all leads to something that has been long ago projected as the eventual state of being. Yes, that is already documented in advance.  And it seems we have arrived at that state. This should be a concern to all alive today.

The title of this post starts with the word ‘apostate.’ This is being referenced in relation to one portion of Scripture that describes the status of believers at a specific point in world history—and that point in time appears to be now. Apostate is a term that can be defined as: “a person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.” And sound principles might be objective or well founded on truth. To go one step further, apostasy is more the activity of abandoning such relevant belief or foundational principles. 

Today we see persons who abandon the notion that change is occurring in the natural world—as in climate change—or that science information is helpful in addressing important issues—like taking a vaccine to prevent the further spread of a pandemic disease—or more so to contradict Scripture as religious groups decide to use Scripture in ways to their liking … and not as the biblical text intends.

This post is not going to lay down examples to say you may be involved to apostate actions or behaviors, but instead is simply pointing to this being a time when apostasy is occurring today in so many areas of the human experience—across the entire globe today—to signify something that the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures foretell as coming next. We are complex and specific human beings built on highly specified genetic information, living in a universe with highly fine-tuned conditions … so much so, as to point to our being here by design. And if that Designer is the God of the Bible, then Scripture that says apostasy will come to bring an end of an era, then you might want to see the relevance to change, science, and what the harmony of biblical texts say … and seeing how that pertains to your life right now. 

In case you are wanting a reference … from the Greek [Revelation 3:14-21], you can, in part, see the reference to apostasy through people who are material and not attentive to God’s will. Reference to repenting, for example, exposes leaders who lead for their own purposes and not in the way Scripture would point to the Designer’s will.

Ears to hear, eyes to see, fully, allow a mind to truly discern. And that is why WindowView was developed. Maybe not perfect, but certainly here to get you to do some thinking!



Antartica: Western Ice First – Now in the East A Threat of Massive Sea Level Rise

THE HEADLINE:  “An Antarctic deja vu”

The free paper at the Metro station on March 17 reveals the natural world is MELTING in the background.  You don’t see it, but it’s happening. Something a bit off kilter? The world coming to an end of its present self? A concern?

The Bible says it will be wars and rumors of wars that are the big clue to the end of days … but our environs are changing and threaten to sneak up on us with still other dramatic surprises.  Normal days will end and abnormal days will be upon us as sea levels alter the map over the entire face of the globe. We see it coming, eyes wide open, but stare at the blinding light of global change like deer paralyzed by headlights of on coming car … WHACK!  Then it hits us … but in this case coastal cities in the modern world will be the new watery Venice and Venice will be inundated and condemned by submergence.

The article gives us reason for calm by saying we won’t see the ‘WHACK’ in our lifetime. The process of sea level rise may take some time.  So lets go burn more fossil fuels and make some more heat! Yet our world won’t be the same for our kids, because sea level rise seems certain and from global human activity we “…have irreversibly destabilized the great ice sheet of West Antarctica and thus set in motion more than 10 feet of sea level rise.”

Read on … because the free paper’s article leaves out something provocative and alarming …

The Sub Header: “Ice in west may cause a massive sea level rise. Now the east threatens, too”

When ice at the South Pole melts, this is what to expect: “Meanwhile, 2015 could be the year of the double whammy – when we learned the same about one gigantic glacier of East Antarctica, which could set in motion roughly the same amount all over again. Northern Hemisphere residents and Americans in particular should take note: When the bottom of the world loses vast amounts of ice, those of us living closer to its top get more sea level rise than the rest of the planet, thanks to the law of gravity.

In the East of Antarctica is … “the Totten Glacier of East Antarctica – the fastest thinning sector of the world’s largest ice sheet – and [scientists] took a variety of measurements to try to figure out the reasons behind its retreat. And the news wasn’t good: It appears that Totten, too, is losing ice because warm ocean water is getting underneath it.

Added to the Western ice and a potential 10 feet of sea level rise, the Western “… glacier holds back a much more vast catchment of ice that, were its vulnerable parts to flow into the ocean, could produce a sea level rise of more than 11 feet – which is comparable to the impact from a loss of the West Antarctica ice sheet.

HERE is the Kicker as they say … 

First, what goes on at the southern pole is only part of the story.  Up north, the Greenland ice sheet is also melting, shifting, and adding to sea level rise, now. The article on Antartica suggests some 20 plus feet of sea level rise … add to that what Greenland has to add and the ‘not in our lifetime’ might not hold up if the rate of ice melt increases – globally!

Second, and perhaps more universally than at the South Pole alone, scientist worry about an unstoppable melt … “The problem, then, is that once such a gigantic geophysical process begins, it’s hard to see how it comes to a halt. “With warming oceans, it’s difficult to see how a process that starts now would be reversed, or reversible, in a warming world,” Siegert said.


The WindowView web pages all hinge on the idea that changes in the globe, evidence from the sciences, and the harmony in Scripture all reveal something certain … foretold, hedging humanity into humility and to the point of bending a knee and acknowledging we were put here not to glorify ourselves, but instead to recognize the One who gave us life in the first place. The Earth cannot bear us any longer. We are wearing out the planet like a coat going thread bare … with no place to escape to, we are destined to face the ultimate truth … and God knows what that is. (no, that is not a pun, it is in fact truth)

Quotations from the March 17, 2015 Express (Washington, DC)



Question: What is the Ultimate Reality

WindowView is in a sense another way of saying “world view” except that a line of reasoning and an appeal to ‘data’ or information that is before us is indeed part of the real objective to presenting the Window. It’s YOUR window, you look, you see, you assess and in the end only you can conclude what is real.  But lets visit the vital questions in life for a moment.  If Darwin’s theory on evolution is all there is to being, then we are the result of chance and randomness in the universe. But Darwin had his doubts about evolution and the data today support good reason to doubt his theory. So, then, what is reality? What are the consequences to getting the correct data to determine who you are?

Dr. Samples offers the following list of critical factors and questions in his book “World of Difference.”

“An accurate road map supplies valid directions that profoundly guide a person’s life decisions. Therefore, a well-thought-out course, or worldview, needs to answer twelve ultimate concerns that philosophers identify as “the big questions of life”:

1. Ultimate Reality: What kind of God, if any, actually exists?

2. External Reality: Is there anything beyond the cosmos?

3. Knowledge: What can be known and how can anyone know it?

4. Origin: Where did I come from?

5. Identity: Who am I?

6. Location: Where am I?

7. Morals: How should I live?

8. Values: What should I consider of great worth?

9. Predicament: What is humanity’s fundamental problem?

10. Resolution: How can humanity’s problem be solved?

11. Past/Present: What is the meaning and direction of history?

12. Destiny: Will I survive the death of my body and, if so, in what state?

When a worldview elucidates reasonable answers to these ultimate questions, life (and death) issues become much more comprehensible and easier to get through.”

The concept of WindowView hinges on the fact that evidence from science, Scripture, changes around the globe, and a timeline sequences that follows a known chronology going forward, all this presents a convergence of driving forces.  All this provides an affirmative answer to the first questions and all the data from there on becomes easier to see. But what about these ultimate questions.  You have asked them, we all have. But have you taken time to look through the Window?




Risks for Global Change

A recent MarketWatch article starts this way:

“A poll of participants ahead of this year’s World Economic Forum at Davos found 10 areas of highest risk to the world. Such risks are “defined as an occurrence that causes significant negative impact for several countries and industries over a time frame of up to 10 years,” according to a report issued before the conference slated for this month in Switzerland.

1. Fiscal crises in key economies: The biggest concern, according to the report, remains whether wealthy countries can keep it together. “The report lists fiscal crises as the top risk advanced economies remain in danger of fiscal crises. …

Aside: This article relates how global economic instability could (ironically) stem from (complex political scenarios and ) falling oil prices as described elsewhere.

The MarketWatch article outlines these additional factors for global risks:

2. Structurally high unemployment/underemployment: The flip side of income disparity is the persistent unemployment and underemployment of millions of people.

3. Water crises: Huge population growth is placing big demands on freshwater supplies, notably in China and sub-saharan Africa. …

4. Severe income disparity: With employment in developed countries still suppressed in the wake of the financial crisis, and huge unemployed populations in developing economies, income disparity is a huge issue for Davos participants.

“Income disparity is also among the most worrying of issues. It raises concerns about the Great Recession and the squeezing effect it had on the middle classes in developed economies, while globalization has brought about a polarization of incomes in emerging and developing economies. This is true despite the obvious progress in countries such as Brazil and lower levels of poverty in several developing countries in Asia and Africa.“

5. Failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation: Similar to the fear of global governance failure is the fear that concerns over climate change won’t be addressed. “Climate change, ranked fifth on the list, is the key driver of such uncertain and changing weather patterns, causing an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts,” according to the report.

6. Greater incidence of extreme weather events: … Of note, is the finding that huge populations in coming years will be born in developing countries with potential exposure to hurricanes and typhoons, posing greater risks of damage such as was caused in the Philippines last year by a huge storm.

7. Global governance failure: This one amounts to the fear that … in the end international institutions aren’t actually able to get their act together.

“Given that global risks can be addressed effectively only through international collaboration, it is hardly a surprise that global governance failure is also included in the list as the risk of seventh highest concern,” the report finds.

8. Food crises: Nothing gets people riled up like not being able to eat. …

9. Failure of a major financial mechanism/institution: Perhaps not surprisingly … concern over failures financial institutions remains very high.

“Five years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, with its system-wide impacts, the failure of a major financial mechanism or institution also features among the risks that the respondents are most concerned about, as uncertainty about the quality of many banks’ assets remains.”

10. Profound political and social instability: No. 10 on this year’s list is profound political and social instability potentially caused by military actions or aggressive foreign or trade policies on the part of global or regional powers.

———————– From the Window —————————-

The above ten cited concerns are not necessarily directly linked to biblical themes, but some are. For the serious Bible student, the idea of global governance is something that might link all ten issues. One day, soon, according to the Bible the world will turn to a single over arching global governance … a one world government. While climate change, as a whole, is not described in the Bible, numerous other events and the making of the one world government easily connect to the risks we see today. How will humans in a material context respond to changes in a way that leads to a single governance? We suggest material and spiritual forces bring us to such a point. And to understand that viewpoint takes time looking through the Window!



Raising Estimates on Sea Level Rise

“A team of Rutgers University researchers has attempted to answer that question and localize it by studying past sea-level rise along the East Coast, as well as other factors that could influence what happens along the New Jersey Shore.

In recently published studies, they conclude that sea level at the Shore – already rising faster than at any time in the last 4,300 years – could go up by 11 to 15 inches more than the global average by 2100.

While levels worldwide will generally increase less than a foot by 2050, those at the Shore will likely rise 1.5 feet, according to a mid-range scenario. By 2100, local levels could climb 3.5 feet, bringing unprecedented flooding.”

Quotation above from Full article

Why is sea level rise important?  Our answer: because the topic of change affects every living being on the planet. And if that is linked to what life is and will be in the future, then change heightens our senses concerning a deeper look at the value and meaning of life itself.

The underlying position one can adopt from time spent looking through the ‘window’ is that driving forces in material and mind open one’s spirit to seeing life in the context of purpose and a future. Too many people either don’t take time to look at their life in the context of our origins, information from both science and Scripture, and further make too many conclusions by assumptions. Global change is one aspect of the multiple perspectives one gains by a good long look. You are alive … here … now, so why not look if indeed the WindowView reveals something special about life and that you are not here by chance.




Getting Hotter: Human influence on climate clear, IPCC says

To Our WindowViewers:

A while back we came across an article about the potential release of methane that currently is held in the permafrost of the northern latitudes.  If the permafrost region experiences temperature increases … then methane will be released into the atmosphere.  AND once that happens, warming will accelerate.  The international panel of scientists has just released new documentation and in January a report will be posted with their latest assessment.

BOTTOM LINE:  If the IPCC is correct and the further warming also influences methane releases … then the Change we speak of at WindowView will come quicker than anyone, you, us, all plain folks, could ever imagine.

—————    IPCC PRESS RELEASE  ————-

27 September 2013

Human influence on climate clear, IPCC report says

STOCKHOLM, 27 September – Human influence on the climate system is clear. This is evident

in most regions of the globe, a new assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes.

It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century. The evidence for this has grown, thanks to more and better observations, an improved understanding of the climate system response and improved climate models.

Warming in the climate system is unequivocal and since 1950 many changes have been observed throughout the climate system that are unprecedented over decades to millennia. Each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850, reports the Summary for Policymakers of the IPCC Working Group I assessment report, Climate Change 2013: the Physical Science Basis, approved on Friday by member governments of the IPCC in Stockholm, Sweden.

“Observations of changes in the climate system are based on multiple lines of independent evidence. Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased,” said Qin Dahe, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group I.

Thomas Stocker, the other Co-Chair of Working Group I said: “Continued emissions of greenhouse gases will cause further warming and changes in all components of the climate system. Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions.”

——————- end quotation from press release ————

We’ll provide more on the methane story in a future post.  One thing is certain, the news on climate change is heating up.  Sea level is rising, migration patterns have changed, and life on earth is shifting!

Visit our change pages at WindowView

Director, WindowVieworg

Window Related Links:
Thesis on Change
Climate Change
Historic Scientists’ Warning


Timeline is up to date July 2013

Just a quick note to say the WindowView Timeline is now up to date through July 2013.

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Start Here to Check Recent Events

Travel the entire timeline to get a sense how humanity has been building activity levels with an ever higher rate of events. At what point does our pace of utilizing our planet go beyond what resources are on Earth?

Here is Your Invitation!

Here is Your Invitation!

Come by and take a look through the window!



When It Looks Like It’s Getting Better …

… It isn’t necessarily so! Really good news is bad news. Why?

New energy reserves are coming globally in the form of natural gas in areas formerly considered out of production, oil from fields labeled the same way, oil sands and oil shale in areas previously thought too costly to process. Never mind any questions about renewable energy technology or use of carbon based fuels on climate change … The world has received a carbon-energy injection releasing us of near future energy reserve depletion. Consider the following news clip:
HEADLINE: U.S. oil boom leaves OPEC sidelined from demand growth – Reuters
Rising U.S. shale oil production will help meet most of the world’s new oil demand in the next five years, even if the global economy picks up steam, leaving little room for OPEC to lift output without risking lower prices, the West’s energy agency said.
WindowView is a ‘thinking place in cyber space.’ So think about this! The energy supply leaves humanity temporarily euphoric and free of concerns that would restrict material economies … But at the same time the source of relief is the problem. A blind eye will be turned to consequences as long as markets are on the rise or stable. But who has the money to pay for the consequences to come? Cash strapped governments? You?

Consider this: Sea level rise already spurred by climate change will only accelerate as carbon dioxide rises further from carbon fuel use. Sea level rise means coastal flooding, over 800 Million persons globally will need to move, dikes, walls and dams will need to be built. If not that, new homes, new towns, new infrastructure, new expenses to tax humanity for a global result of change. Who cares how it happened! Who will pay? Diseases will rise as invading waters complicate coastal life. Local economies and forms of employment will change … the entire shift will unsettle life on planet earth … human and all other.

The theme of the window is “Science and Scripture in Harmony.” If you look objectively through the window, have some understanding of how our material dilemmas lead to a spiritual side to being, then this theme rings true. We invite you to sit at your window, look, think and know the future is still ahead of all of us.

